"With Jane In Catland" is my blog about my handmade paintings, crafts, and other artworks of mine, posts about my Etsy shop, my love for cats and other animals, artist friends of mine, artists who inspire me, animal charities I work for and support, animal rights, various videos, and other random things in my life. Hope you enjoy my on-line Catland!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Very Vegan! :)

I have been strict vegetarian for 18 years, and also a borderline vegan - I never bought or wore anything made from animals (like fur, leather, wool, etc.) and also don't buy from companies that test on animals or have animal by-products in their ingredients. It's still hard for me to imagine that in today's society, animal testing still goes on, especially in this day and age with so many other alternatives to test products, rather than on defenseless animals!
But recently, after being a vegetarian for 18 years, I decided to become a vegan! And I feel great ever since. My body feels more pure in a spiritual and physical sense from being 100% vegan now! And through my decision to go totally vegan, I felt that this was my next step in helping to prevent the horrifying conditions that our animal friends live in, as well as the painful, senseless and inhumane slaughter of these beautiful and innocent animals, such as in the photos below...

A baby calf, chained at the neck in a stall in a factory farm- unable to move, walk, and barely lay down

Chickens on their way to being slaughtered in a factory farm

I know these photos are very graphic and disturbing, but sadly, this is the truth and reality of what happens behind closed doors to animals in factory farms all over the world!

As the saying goes, I believe that animals are *not* ours to eat, wear, or test on. These beautiful animals should be able to live their lives with happiness, dignity, and freedom! And who are we to deprive them of those rights?
I know not everyone may agree with my standpoint on this issue - people have their own beliefs and need to make their own choices in life. But in my personal experience of becoming a vegan, I feel it sends out the message that I strongly believe in - that the cruelty, torture, and ultimately death that these animals have to endure, should not be tolerated or accepted. And I will not support in any way, shape or form, the abuse these animals go through! But I believe there is hope in that, as well as through other people who are passionate about the welfare of animals, like in the photos below...

A rescued sweet baby chick, now living a peaceful and happy life at the Farm Sanctuary

Another rescued animal from Farm Sanctuary. This is Georgia, a lovely lamb, also now living a life of joy and freedom at the Farm Sanctuary

As an Etsy shop owner, in addition to being a member of the wonderful street team "Etsy for Animals" (EFA), I have also recently joined another street team, "Vegan Etsy"! I am a proud member of both of these groups now!

In the blog, "Vegan Flower", they wrote a small post about my Etsy shop, which I was happy to come across. You can read about it here: http://veganflower.blogspot.com/2008/05/jane-diamond-designs.html

I'm very excited about my new vegan diet and lifestyle, as well as getting to know other vegans and animal lovers through the "Vegan Etsy" team! A very special thanks to Molly (a fellow Etsy For Animals member too) for having me be a part of your wonderful vegan team! I'm so glad to be part of your group! :) To learn more about the "Vegan Etsy", please visit their blog at: www.veganetsy.blogspot.com
And you can visit Molly's Etsy shop at: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5537231
where she makes and sells vegan mini muffins for dogs! She has a very unique shop, with healthy and delicious treats for your pups!
Also, to learn more about the amazing and wonderful work that Farm Sanctuary does, like rescuing the beautiful baby chick and lamb in the photos above, as well as all the other work they do for animals like them, to please go to their site at: www.farmsanctuary.org
In other Etsy related news, I will be adding a new ACEO cat collage that I recently designed. I already have a couple ACEO prints in my shop, but will be adding more asap. I'm still going through recovery from my back injury, so I haven't been as active at Etsy and my other favorite sites and blogs, but am slowly getting a bit better everyday, and am hoping to have my new handmade ACEO's available in my shop soon!
Here is a photo of my most recent cat collage ACEO...

"Catch Your Dreams" - handmade cat collage ACEO by Jane Diamond

I sent one of these ACEO's to my friend Katie (known as mishkat at Etsy) for her birthday and I was really happy to know that she liked them so much!

I hope all you cat lovers out there will check back at my shop to see when the "Catch Your Dreams" ACEO is listed, as well as my other crafty kitty goodies that I have in store now, and also coming soon, thanks!


Til later...

Cheers from Catland!

- Jane

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Etsy For Animals Article!

I haven't been as active here, (or at Etsy, Flickr, and my other favorite sites) as I recently tore a muscle in my lower back, so it's been difficult to sit for long periods of time, so that's why I haven't been on the computer as much.

But in better news, two of my "Etsy For Animals" friends, WHSKR and Mishkat, wrote a wonderful article about Etsy For Animals (also known as EFA), and I wanted to share it here in my blog since they did such an amazing job on it, and also because Etsy For Animals is an Etsy street team that I am very proud to be a member of!

Here is a direct link to the article: http://www.etsy.com/storque/section/craftivism/article/etsy-pets-worldwide-animals-with-efa/1715/

I hope you will take some time to read this article and learn more about EFA (accompanied by some super cute pictures of EFA members pets and art). In the article, I am the "cool cat artist" mentioned in the first line, and also included is a photo of my ACEO of my "October" cat painting! It's so nice to be featured amongst so many talented and compassionate EFA artists there. Each EFA artist has their own unique style of art, we live all over the world, and yet we are all bonded by our passion for helping animals!

Many thanks to WHSKR (Marjorie) and Mishkat (Katie) for writing the EFA article, which helps spread information and exposure on how EFA members are committed to helping improve the welfare of our animal friends through our arts and crafts.

And a special thanks also to another one of my EFA friends, Michele (mvegan5) who started and created the Etsy For Animals team! Thank you Michele for all your hard and loving work that you do for EFA, and for bringing Etsy artists together through your group so that we can all be a part of making positive changes to animals in need!


For more info on Etsy For Animals, please visit the EFA shop at: www.etsyforanimals.etsy.com

or at the EFA blog at: www.etsyforanimals.blogspot.com

All items at the Etsy For Animals shop have been donated by EFA members, and 100% of the proceeds (less S&H) go towards the EFA charity of the month. You can also type in 'efa" or 'teamefa" in the main search box at Etsy.com to find members shop who donate percentages of their sales to Etsy for Animals.

To me, shopping at the Etsy For Animals shop and/or from artists' shop who are EFA members is a win-win situation. You get lovely and creative handmade arts and crafts, and get to help animals in the process too!

Til later,

Cheers from Catland!

- Jane