"With Jane In Catland" is my blog about my handmade paintings, crafts, and other artworks of mine, posts about my Etsy shop, my love for cats and other animals, artist friends of mine, artists who inspire me, animal charities I work for and support, animal rights, various videos, and other random things in my life. Hope you enjoy my on-line Catland!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Video of the Week - She Sells Sanctuary

Lots of catching up to do here at my blog, with new updates about my Etsy shop and my art in general, but I'm tired tonight and have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow, so I thought I'd post my video pick of the week -
"She Sells Sanctuary" by The Cult
off their album, "Love".

I'm choosing this because I've been listening it to more frequently these days, and it's one of my favorite songs to hula-hoop to as well.
"the world turns around"...

I also have fond memories of this song from back in the 80's when this first came out. There were two clubs that I hung out at back then, "McGreevy's" and "Medusa's", that had teen nights which catered to punk rock and new wave kids. Both clubs played this song a lot, it was a big hit with the kids in the underground music scene at the time. And I remember my friends and I (and everyone else for that matter) hitting the dance floor whenever they played this song. So it still has that nice warm nostalgic feeling for me when I play it. This song just never gets old to me. I still have it on vinyl when it first came out, and now in 2009 I have it on my iPod too!


Til later...

Cheers from Catland,

- Jane

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cat Tats

Even to my own surprise - after all the years of being a huge cat lover (since I was a young girl) and all the years I've had tattoos (since I was 19 years old) it still surprises me that I don't have a tattoo of a cat!

I've always wanted one of course, but with all the beautiful cat designs out there, it's hard to know where to start and which design to pick.

Lately, I've been itching to get another tattoo - and obviously I want one of a cat. A cat tat is looooong over-due.

Some people get tattoos on a whim, but I think about mine for a long time before getting them. And I'm glad that I've always done it that way, since in retrospect, I can recall tattoos that I wanted in the past, that I'm really glad I don't have now.

Anyway, I've been looking for some designs of cats that appeal to me and wanted everyone's opinions on which one(s) you like, and which one(s) you think would look best on me. Keeping in mind though that the tattoos I already have are black and grey. Personally, I'm just not into colored tattoos, so keep in mind which one(s) do you feel would look best in black and grey.

I have narrowed my choices down to three cat designs, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions - thanks everyone!!!

3.) If I were to get the Louis Wain design pictured above, I would not have the text in it - just the cat, vases with flowers, and mice.


Til later...

Cheers from Catland,

- Jane