"With Jane In Catland" is my blog about my handmade paintings, crafts, and other artworks of mine, posts about my Etsy shop, my love for cats and other animals, artist friends of mine, artists who inspire me, animal charities I work for and support, animal rights, various videos, and other random things in my life. Hope you enjoy my on-line Catland!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Featured Artist - Patti Haskins

Recently in my new Flickr group, "Etsy Cat Crafts and Art", I held a contest called "Cat Christmas Creations". Members submitted photos of various Cat arts and crafts with a Christmas theme to it. There were many adorable and creative entries!
On December 22nd, the voting began, and on Christmas Day, the winner was announced. The prize for the winner was a feature of their winning photo and a direct link to their Etsy shop here in my blog.

And the winner of the Cat Christmas Creation contest was Patti Haskins!

Here is Patti's photo of her winning entry

This is Patti's cute crocheted cat ornament!

In addition to featuring the photo of Patti's winning creation and a link to her Etsy shop - I asked Patti to tell me more about her work with art and crafts, her life, her pets, and what inspires her artistically. Read below to learn more about this sweet, talented and creative woman, as well as to meet Patti's super cute pets too...

"I’m a middle-aged artist with a graphic design day job. I live in Dallas, TX. My husband Mike and I live with two terrier mix dogs and six formerly alley cats, all rescues. Everything I make is inspired by living with these critters. A day doesn't go by that they don't make me smile.


Therefore, I have a hard time making "serious" art. When you're surrounded by goofy creatures, goofiness seems to rule your creative output. . . or at least its that way for me. I hope that my work will make people smile the way my critters make me smile: the world needs more smiles.


Betty and Ben

These days I have been creating critters using crochet and sewing fabric into stuffed critters or collaged wall hangings. I also manipulate the photos I shoot of these creations and turn them into digital collages. My day job entails computer graphics and I hate to waste all that knowledge on work alone.



I occasionally feel the need to paint. Someday I will return to sculpting critters from paper mache. I am as goofy as my critters and as easily distracted. You never know what will show up next in my shop."



For more of me, visit my blog: pattihaskins.wordpress.com

I'm a member of three street teams:
Etsy Plush Street Team: www.plushteam.com/
Etsy Dallas Street Team: www.etsydallas.blogspot.com/
Etsy Texas Crafters: www.etsytx.org/

To visit and shop at Patti's Etsy shop, go to: www.pattihaskins.etsy.com

Congrats again to Patti for winning the "Cat Christmas" contest, and thank you for all the info you provided for this feature about you! :)


Also, I want to wish everyone a very happy, healthy, and creative 2008!

Til later...

Cheers from Catland!

- Jane

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