"With Jane In Catland" is my blog about my handmade paintings, crafts, and other artworks of mine, posts about my Etsy shop, my love for cats and other animals, artist friends of mine, artists who inspire me, animal charities I work for and support, animal rights, various videos, and other random things in my life. Hope you enjoy my on-line Catland!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Video of the week- Etsy For Animals!

My video pick of the week is an "Etsy For Animals" video created by Diane of: www.woodnvisions.etsy.com
This video that Diane created showcases many of Etsy For Animals members, featuring their arts and crafts, and photos of their pets too! I was honored to be one of the artists selected for the video, and my "Calico Queen" painting along with a photo of my cat Abbey can be seen in this video, along with many other wonderful and talented work by EFA members, and their adorable pets too! Many thanks to Diane for all her hard work and supporting Etsy For Animals in this unique and creative way! Check out her video here!...

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