"With Jane In Catland" is my blog about my handmade paintings, crafts, and other artworks of mine, posts about my Etsy shop, my love for cats and other animals, artist friends of mine, artists who inspire me, animal charities I work for and support, animal rights, various videos, and other random things in my life. Hope you enjoy my on-line Catland!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New interview feature on me by NanjoDogz!

I was very honored and flattered that Nancy, from "NanjoDogz" at Etsy.com, recently interviewed me for her personal blog. Nancy is a fellow member of "Etsy For Animals; Artists Helping Animals" and she does monthly features on various EFA members in her blog. For this month, her feature was about me and my shop. To read the interview she did with me, please click on this link: http://nanjodogz.blogspot.com/2008/04/efa-interview-jane-diamond-designs.html


Nancy is a huge dog lover, and adores her own dog, as much as I do with my own cat, Ms. Abbey. Nancy creates gorgeous and darling dog themed items such as beads, pendants, note cards, magnets and much more! Here are some of my favorite items from her shop...

"Greyhound Art Pendant"

"Pomeranian Crystal Flower Pendant"

"Greyhound Summer Sunshine Distressed Pendant"

I really enjoy Nancy's work, but I like her greyhounds the best since they are one of my favorite breeds of dogs, and Nancy really captures the striking and beautiful elegance of greyhounds in her work as you can see!

To check out more of Nancy's work, please visit her Etsy shop at:


And thank you so much Nancy for the 'Etsy For Animals' member feature you did on me for your blog! I really enjoyed the interview and also answering all your questions! :)

Til later...

Cheers from Catland,

- Jane

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