"With Jane In Catland" is my blog about my handmade paintings, crafts, and other artworks of mine, posts about my Etsy shop, my love for cats and other animals, artist friends of mine, artists who inspire me, animal charities I work for and support, animal rights, various videos, and other random things in my life. Hope you enjoy my on-line Catland!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Artist Feature on Heidi Shaulis

Recently in my Flickr group, "Etsy Cat Crafts and Art", I held a contest called "Spring Time Cats". Members submitted photos of various cat arts and crafts with a spring time look and feel. There were many cute and creative entries! The prize for the winner was a feature of their winning photo and a direct link to their Etsy shop here in my blog.

And the winner of the "Spring Time Cats" contest was Heidi Shaulis. Many congrats to Heidi! Below is the photo she entered for the contest

"Follow the Leader" by Heidi Shaulis

In addition to featuring the photo of Heidi's winning creation and a link to her Etsy shop - I interviewed Heidi, asking her about her arts and crafts, her life, her pets, and what inspires her artistically. Heidi is a lovely and very talented artist. Please read below about this very interesting, fun and informative interview I did with Heidi to get to know more about her, and her artwork, her pets, and her very own new "Catland"......

"Puss 'n Boots"

Jane: How long have you been an artist, and who and/or what inspires you?

Heidi: I have been painting since I was 22...that was 22 years ago. Wow, I just realized that is half my life! When I started painting I was an archaeologist and art was my hobby. Gradually it became my focus and I went full-time 9 years ago. From the very beginning I painted my cats, as they are one of the loves of my life and I think they are beautiful. Among my favorite artists from the past are Franz Marc, Alice Neel and Marc Chagall, but I am head over heels for the Catland art, especially Louis Wain.

"How to Train your Human"

: What mediums do you use, and are there any particular colors you like to work with the most for your paintings?

Heidi: I almost always use Winsor & Newton alkyd oils because I like the glazing qualities of oils, but like that they dry quickly. I am looking into walnut oil paints though, as they are "green" and free of toxic solvents. I hope to eventually move to those but am not sure if I'll have the patience for them to dry. My palette is ultramarine blue, pthalo blue, titanium white, cadmium red, cadmium yellow, raw sienna, alizaran crimson, lamp black, ivory black, sap green and geranium pink.

Jane: And what are your favorite subjects to paint?

Heidi: Cats, of course! I like to do them in both realistic poses and also in an anthropomorphic fashion; I call these New Catland. My big soft tuxedo cat Charlie is my favorite subject in both styles. I also paint other animals from time to time; usually animals that I see around us here in VT.

Charlie - one of Heidi's cats and artistic inspirations

Jane: I know you enjoy painting cats, and as a fellow cat artist and cat lover myself, I'm interested in learning more about your cat art. How long have you been painting cats?

Heidi: Since I started painting at 22...I painted my best cat Oliver (he passed away 6 years ago at the age of 19) over and over. My paintings weren't too great then, but I loved painting and you have to start somewhere!

"Chagall on Chagall"

Jane: How would you describe your own cat art?

Heidi: I am self-taught, so I call my paintings folk art. This lets me not worry about rules and just do whatever I feel like doing! Some of my cat paintings are whimsical, and with some I like to convey a feeling of peace and contentment; cats seem to master these things that we humans have such a hard time with.


Jane: Which cats inspire your cat art? And do you have any favorite cat artists that you like and/or inspire your own cat artwork?

Heidi: Right now my favorite subject is my chubby tuxedo cat Charlie, but I'm also working on a series with my 3 boys, Charlie, Harry and Will having adventures together (as in the Rescue...my next will be The Treasure). I also do quite a few commissions of other people's cats. My favorite of all time is Louis Wain, but I also admire the paintings of Henriette Ronner-Knip and also vintage postcards with the fun cat scenes from Catland.

"Thrifty Charlie"

(I own a print of this - it's soooo cute, colorful and charming! - Jane)

Jane: And do you have a particular favorite cat painting of you own creation that is your personal favorite?

Heidi: I think The Rescue is my best cat painting so far.

"The Rescue"

Jane: How many pets do you have? If you like, please share their names, ages, and also any interesting stories about them

Heidi: Currently I have 6 cats and my best friend, my Norwegian elkhound/chow mix dog Bea. My cats are Hattie (age 18), Matilda (15), Thistle (8), Charlie(7), Harry (3) and Willy (2; he's the baby). They all either just showed up at the door (Hattie), were "free kittens" (Matilda, Harry and Willy) or were from an animal shelter (Thistle and Charlie). I'm not a pure-bred kind of girl. Bea was a rescue too; she was raised by the cats so she has a lot of respect for them!

Some of Heidi's cats - from left to right - Willy, Charlie and Harry

Jane: Aside from your art, what other interests do you have, what hobbies do you enjoy, and what do you like to do in your spare time?

Heidi: Since we live off of our artwork, it is our life and takes up most of our time, but we also have 2 sons (10 and 14) who need us quite a bit. I also like to work with Isaac gardening. I am also a thrift store addict and can't pass up vintage housewares and linens from the 1920's through the 1960's, cashmere sweaters and anything else that I find charming. Our house had been lived in by the same family since 1945, so it has been difficult to make it feel like our place, but slowly I've been incorporating bright colors, vintage finds and artwork to make the place ours. Hopefully we'll be here as long as the last family.

Our big project this summer is building my painting studio. I currently work in a tiny room in our tiny vintage farmhouse, so it's going to be such a pleasure to have a real workspace. We are trying to build it as "green" as possible; the stones for the foundation and the logs for the timber frame were pulled from the woods by our draft pony Noki a few years ago (sadly he passed away last year from Cushing's disease). We're also going to be using recycled materials and local wood for the construction, and placing windows to maximize passive solar heat. It doesn't look like much yet in the photo, but it should be mostly complete by the end of summer! You can see though, that the setting is peaceful and pastoral.

Heidi's Studio Timber Frame

Jane: Where can we find your Etsy shop?

Heidi: My husband Isaac (he's a woodworker) and I share our Etsy shop; it is http://westcorinthstudio.etsy.com/

Jane: Last but not least, aside from Etsy, do you have any other sites you belong to that also showcases your arts and crafts?
Heidi: We also share a website: http://www.westcorinthstudio.com/
My old website shows a lot of my paintings from 2003 to 2007 (I was selling mostly on ebay during this period); that web address is http://www.heidishaulis.com/
My seller name on ebay is heidi_shaulis, (I have over 1300 feedback there!) but I'm selling very little there now, ever since I discovered Etsy! I love Etsy and felt at home the minute we signed up.


Thank you very much to Heidi for this wonderful interview and insight to your art, life, pets, and more! It has been great getting to know you better, and I appreciate you taking the time to answer all my questions for this interview. And again, congrats on winning the "Spring Time Cats" contest! :)

Til later...
Cheers from Catland,
- Jane


Heidi Shaulis said...

Jane, thank you for such a great feature, it's purrfect!

Mishkat said...

I really enjoyed reading this interview - thanks, Jane and Heidi!