"With Jane In Catland" is my blog about my handmade paintings, crafts, and other artworks of mine, posts about my Etsy shop, my love for cats and other animals, artist friends of mine, artists who inspire me, animal charities I work for and support, animal rights, various videos, and other random things in my life. Hope you enjoy my on-line Catland!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Video of the Week - Testure

My video for the week is a concert clip and music video for the song "Testure" by Skinny Puppy.
It's a very poignant and amazing anti-vivisection song - the lyrics are intense, raw and moving. And I personally find this song inspiring to me since I'm very against vivisection and all other forms of animal abuse.

This song had a strong impact on my life, prior to becoming a vegetarian (and now a vegan) when I saw this song performed live in 1989, it opened by eyes to the harsh realities of the abuse animals endure by the hands of "humans". During the performance of the song, Skinny Puppy used backing footage of various clips of animal abuse. I was shocked - it was very hard to watch, yet I couldn't turn away from it - cause I felt by watching the abuse that happens behind closed doors - in turn, a door opened in my heart for these animals, and it changed something deep down inside of me.
After that show, I became a strict vegetarian, immersed myself in education about animal rights, joined a local animal rights group and became very pro-active for the cause. And I never looked back, it changed my life to this very day, and I continue doing whatever I can to help end the inhumane and horrifying abuse our animals friends go through everyday!

Below the videos of "Testure", I included the lyrics to the song - very powerful, raw and moving, and I highly suggest to read them. I also added a photo that have the lyrics on it, and a picture of cEvin key and Nivek Ogre of Skinny Puppy!

"Testure" music video by Skinny Puppy

"Testure" concert footage - great quality!

*** Testure Lyrics ***

in nervous convulsion
crouches infant ape, trembling in mothers shit
cage eyes tear less, filled with contempt
clinic mask experiment with life and death
smell lingering noxious, mixed scent anxiety
omnipotent doctor grinds the cage door revealing
loves primal instinct taken away
the tiny face terrified
rant and rave, smash your head against the cage
vacuum clicks on high
conscious of the pain, pass off as humane
white coat seems so clean
most dirt bleached out of greed
force the point of habit, eyes burn in a rabbit
push the pain test button
spines cut!
trip mucous inflection, more die. pills each day
what goes around, comes back stronger
tap into the brain, break the skull again
smash price research rat, lab rent paid in flesh
more ill drug store sales sharpen the knife
emphasis on money, new disease everyday
end is seen and coming, research turns it's back to gain
crush the spine, genocide kitten drags its dead limb
continuing all suffering, it will come back and win
shock paralyse, turn trauma burns
out the will to live the lying
message 5 year genocide
1945 suicide vivisect VI

Skinny Puppy makes me smile :)
even while drenched in mud and fake blood

Til later...

Cheers from Catland!

- Jane

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